What makes us worthy?

Let’s talk about worthiness for a sec. That okay with you? Let’s start with what it is not. It’s not about mastering a make up routine or having perfect highlights. Those things photograph well, but they solve nothing. It’s not about having the most current fashion or knowing the most up to date slang. If […]

person reading book and holding coffee

7 Encouraging Books You Should Read

Are you wondering what to read next? Could you use a good dose of encouragement? Need some guidance on books to give as gifts? This is the list you need! I’ve chosen my favorite encouraging books of 2021 and added a couple that I can’t wait to read next! (These are all titles that I […]

woman sitting in front of macbook

Your productivity is not the same as your worth.

I had to will my brain to rest last night because I was stewing over how I’d get everything done today. In the old days, that could very well have kept me up all night or, maybe even worse, left in that weird place between sleep and awake where you aren’t resting but you’re also […]

Prayers don’t always have words.

When your heart is so heavy and your soul is so weary that your body can only heave in suffocating sadness, He still hears your prayers. When you’re so overcome with joy that all you can do is put your hand on your heart as the tears fall from your eyes, He still hears your […]

He served. I stayed.

In 1997… My high school boyfriend signed up for a visit with an ARMY recruiter on the promise that he’d get a free pair of ARMY socks. The recruiter came, he didn’t enlist, and he didn’t even get the socks. In 1999… Barely 19 years old, a year into college, newly engaged, and anxious to […]

I didn’t get my way and I’m so thankful.

Let me tell you a story about a young mama that took her two little girls shopping for new big girl bedding. There I was, in a Target aisle with my husband and two very excited little girls. All around us were fluffy pillows, feminine ruffles, and pastel linens. My girl mama dreams were about […]

grief is weird

Grief is Weird

Grief is weird. I’ve been trying to think of a poetic way to express how I’m feeling, but I keep coming back to this one thing. Grief is just weird. We said goodbye to our old dog yesterday. (Yes, the Shih Tzu of pooping in the truck fame.) Mac’s health has been declining for years, […]

faceless person resting on bed in room

What Kind of Tired Are You?

Years ago, when my oldest daughters were still alive and I was their full-time caregiver, I went to my doctor and asked her point blank, “Why am I so tired? Why am I exhausted ALL THE TIME?” She proceeded to ask me the routine questions about my eating, sleeping, and exercising habits. I realized that […]

dear husband

Dear Husbands, Take the Kids with You.

Dear Husbands, Take the kids. Take them with you. Need to run an errand? Take the kids. Think it would be 100 times easier and faster if you went alone? We agree and it doesn’t matter. Take the kids. Don’t really have anywhere you need to go? Make something up and TAKE THE KIDS. Your […]

Here’s to Good Neighbors

I had already started mixing ingredients when I realized I was missing one. So I texted my neighbor to ask for a can of cream of chicken soup. She met me in the yard with a family-sized can. Later in the evening, I sent my daughter over to share fresh eggs from our chickens. Here’s […]