Mandy McCarty Harris

woman sitting in front of macbook

Your productivity is not the same as your worth.

I had to will my brain to rest last night because I was stewing over how I’d get everything done today. In the old days, that could very well have kept me up all night or, maybe even worse, left in that weird place between sleep and awake where you aren’t resting but you’re also not coherent.

Thankfully I don’t visit that place often anymore. I won’t pretend like I can just shut the busy thoughts off, I’m just fortunate enough to not be as buried by anxious thoughts as I have been in past years.
What’s different now is that I can usually tell those voices to hush because I know- and even better, I believe- the truth.

Yes, I do need to get all of this stuff done today and I very much want to be (and be perceived as) a capable and competent woman, but those arbitrary measures of worth mean very little in the grand scheme of things. Or maybe I should say in His grand plan.

Do you have these thoughts and worries, too?

Do you stay up at night wondering how you’ll get it all done and worrying about what will happen if/when you can’t or don’t?

Well, I won’t sell you a magic sauce because there isn’t one. (This might be a good time to mention that anyone trying to sell you one is just adding to the pile of things you have to worry about, maintain, and keep up with, so proceed with caution.)

But I will tell you the truth.

You are not the only person who sometimes confuses productivity and appearance with worth. Despite what the voices are telling you, the truth is that you are worthy because you are His.

You are not worthy because you can cram five days of work into four workdays.

You are not worthy because you remembered to help your kid with sight words last night and then packed the best lunch box this morning.

You are not worthy because you got in a long run before work this morning or broke your personal record.

You are not worthy because you’re on all the committees and hosting all the events.

These are all things we do because we care about our families, our bodies, and our other responsibilities. Most of them are probably even good and purposeful things and I’m cheering for you every step of the way. Every. Single. Step.

But don’t for one second believe that your ability or inability to do those things moves the meter on your worth.

You are worthy because you are His.

Hard Stop.

I think this is just one of those things that we’ll all need to keep hearing from now until forever so we can keep remembering that it’s true.

So hear me now and come back to it when you start to believe that you have to earn your worth.

God made you just as you are and He doesn’t expect you to be perfect. It’s not a race and you don’t get extra worthiness points for winning. Don’t equate your productivity with your worth, friend.

You are worthy and loved because you are His.

Yep, even as you are and even if you don’t get all the things done.

*I’d love to have you in my Facebook community. Hop on over and let’s be friends, but get your name on my email list before you go!

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