Mandy McCarty Harris


Keep Going. It Matters.

Your dreams and plans. Your goals and aspirations. Your ambitions and desires. Your people and relationships. They are worth fighting for.

Please don’t be discouraged by all the times it wasn’t quite right.

Please don’t stop trying just because it hasn’t worked yet.

Please don’t assume the best is behind you.

Please don’t give up. Don’t give up on your dreams or your career or your people or your life.

Keep going. It all matters.

All the false starts matter.

All the times you began and it didn’t feel right? They proved you are brave enough to try.

All the times you really got going, felt like you were on to something, and then found yourself on the wrong track? They were steering you to what is authentic.

All the times you took two steps or two thousand steps and then you fell? They’ve taught you where to step moving forward.

All the efforts that turned out well or not so well or something else entirely? They’ve built character.

All the failures and misadventures and disappointments? All the mistakes and botches and disasters? They taught you what didn’t work.

All the small wins? They are evidence of your ability to succeed.

All the moments you’ve stood up and tried and then tried again? They’ve seasoned you for the tries ahead.

Please don’t quit. Don’t quit chasing your dreams or your goals or life. You are here. Today. You get to keep trying. You get to gather up all the lessons and wisdom and love and hope that got you this far- and then you get to keep going.

Get back on the horse or in the game. Or, if all you can do today is stand up, then please stand up. Tomorrow maybe you can take the first step.

The sun will set today and it will rise again tomorrow. You can, too.

You get to be here, in this moment, and you get to keep going.

Please keep going. It matters.

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